Sunday, April 3, 2016

April Pack Meeting 4/11 Nerf War

The whole family is invited to the Pack meeting on Monday, April 11th at 7pm in the Social Level. This month we will have some fun with a Nerf gun tournament!

Nerf War Rules
A variety of Nerf games will be played; the details will be explained at that time. All family members can participate; however, we will need additional adult referees to manage the games.
The most important rule of Nerf War is to have fun safely!

  1. Players must bring and wear eye protection,  i.e. safety glasses, swim goggles
  2. Only Nerf-style dart guns can be used. No high-velocity guns are allowed (Nerf Rival models). All guns must be approved by leaders.
  3. If an opponent's dart touches any part of the player (other than the head), the player is out and sits at the timeout wall until the round is complete
  4. Head shots are not allowed.  If a head shot is ruled "accidental" then the shooter is warned and is out for that round; if the head shot is ruled "deliberate" then the player is ejected from the tournament.
  5. Unsportsmanlike conduct automatically eliminates a player
  6. No jumping on furniture or pushing the movable walls
  7. Players cannot use personal shields.  Tables and wall locations are set by the leaders.  Once the round begins they cannot be moved.
  8. Referees are the final authority. Arguing a ruling will eliminate the player from the round.
  9. Write your initials with a permanent marker on EVERY dart and gun that you bring
  10. Please consider bringing extra guns/darts to share with others (i.e. a broken Nerf gun)  

Looking for an inexpensive Nerf gun purchase?  Target and Walmart have several guns under $10.

Patience will be required for the sorting of darts at the conclusion of the games.  But don't miss the fun!

Questions? Please contact Dave Wooten or Jim Astuto.

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